Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut, Sometimes You Don't!

I mean, after the initial laugh one might get upon seeing a set of these dangling from the back of a pick-up - my first time was in the parking lot of a Home Depot (go figure), you suddenly get the reality of the situation. Here is a man driving around with a large metal BALL SAC hanging from the back of his truck! Was the truck not amply tough looking as it was? Is he so insecure and/or unsure of his manliness that he needs to display these surrogates. Or is he simply a piece of white trash? I think we all know the answer here.

No matter what you think about “Truck Nuts”, one thing is true, someone has become VERY rich by inventing them. Which got me thinking, how I could get in on that action. Then it came to me… penis shaped exhaust pipes!!! And for the lady truckers, giant breast bumpers and vagina license plate frames!